Saturday, 27 July 2024

G7 officials to hold their first meeting on AI


Japan said on Friday that officials from the Group of Seven major industrialized nations will meet within days to discuss issues related to generative artificial intelligence tools such as GBT Chat.

Leaders of the Group of Seven, which includes the United States, countries from the European Union and Japan, agreed last week to set up an intergovernmental forum called the “Hiroshima Process for Artificial Intelligence” to discuss issues related to fast-growing artificial intelligence tools.

According to Reuters, Japanese Communications Minister Takeaki Matsumoto said that government officials from the group’s countries will hold the first meeting on artificial intelligence on May 30 to discuss files such as intellectual property protection, disinformation campaigns, and how controls should be put in place to govern this technology. ,

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Matsumoto said that his country, which chairs the Group of Seven major industrialized countries for this year, “will lead discussions in the Group of Seven on the responsive use of generative artificial intelligence technologies,” adding that the forum hopes to come up with proposals to submit to state leaders by the end of the year.

