Saturday, 27 July 2024

Insurance company: Natural disaster losses hit $313 billion in ‎‎2022‎


Insurance broker AON estimated today, Wednesday, that natural disasters, many of which were caused by climate change, caused global economic losses of $313 billion in 2022, and that only less than half of these losses He was insured

According to Reuters, the number of catastrophic events such as floods and hurricanes has increased, reaching at least 421 cases, compared to an average of 396 cases since 2000.

According to the report, 75 percent of global insured losses occurred in the United States, where Hurricane Ian, which struck Florida in September 2022, resulted in compensation ranging between $50 and $55 billion out of a total economic loss of $95 billion. ,

اقرأ المزيد

Hurricane Ian is the second natural disaster in the list of the most expensive natural disasters ever faced by the insurance sector.

In Australia, insurance losses associated with floods reached a record high of “billions of dollars,” as the effects of the La Niña weather phenomenon expanded in 2022, causing heavy rains and floods across the country.

As for Pakistan, AON said, quoting the local meteorological department, that the amount of rain that fell during the monsoon period from July to September was 175 percent above average.

