Publisher: Maaal International Media Company
License: 465734
The recently held 2021 climate summit, in Glasgow, Scotland, has reached no-deal agreement, as there are no binding one for the participating countries, was concluded.
Pressure groups ambitions, supported by some poor countries, aiming at pressuring nations with hydrocarbon resources, such as oil, coal and gas, to impose tax (es) on carbon production, have evaporated.
That constituted a failure for the summit, as the previous summit, in Paris, in 2015, had pledged to impose a carbon tax.
And after the ambitions of environmental pressure organizations increased, calling for imposing taxes, with the aim at transferring the revenues of oil, gas and coal producing countries to the poor countries, the most important of which is the European continent countries, taking advantages of an American administration, sympathetic with demands of the pressure groups.
This was not surprising to me, as I had predicted through the Maaal, in a previously posted article, two months ahead of the summit, under the title: “The Glasgow climate conference and the struggle of slogans against interests.”
In it, I have clearly described the failure of the summit, to come, because it is based on void and an unrealistic slogans that contradict with interests of an array of nations.
This is what happened, but in the same article, I warned of a great danger after this failure and promised to that the question shall be revisited, following the end of the summit.
Was it a success for the pressure organizations, under the slogan of environment and climate theme, penetrating societies and influencing the mentality of peoples, in a radical way, that is very similar to religious movements, in the dark centuries, in the European continent.
Our those religious movements that appear from time to time, taking the world stage, a hostage..
So that it can penetrate the media and societal organizations, instill incorrect and unrealistic ideas, and make scientific theories undisputable facts, and whoever dares to contradict or question those ideas, he would be declared a disbelief as was the case with the, Catholic Church, in the 15th century or religious terrorist outfits, amidst.
It is not possible to underestimate those organizations, with senior professors holding academic degrees’ support and a leaning media, that began to believe in.
The lie of global warming and its impact, seemed, as if it was transmitting on a daily basis, not surprising, as it has managed to go viral, since a while.
Even if a cow dies in India, you will find our media repeating that, it is because of global warming and the use of oil.
Algeria is the third country, worldwide, with unconventional gas reserves, that could have supplied Europe with gas and held its breath.
However, it was unable to invest in its natural potentials, after massive demonstrations took place, under the slogan of the environment and influencing the Earth’s climate against investing, in such huge potentials.
We have to rectify this matter before the next coming climate summit, four years, to come, and reach formation of societal thought, that counter if not stop pressures against investing, in our natural resources.
In Europe and America, they were also various pressure organizations, that would sometimes nominate one person over the other.
What shall we do to remedy such a scene?
The answer will be easy, if we t are to believe in the real risk posed by the influence of global environmental groups, as they are taking our thinking by the storm, leading us to what is deemed as a doomed wrong way.