Publisher: Maaal International Media Company
License: 465734
Dar Al Arkan revealed that the number of investors owning shares in the company by the end of 2024 reached 73,700, including 71,332 Saudis who own 955.96 million shares, representing 88.5% of the company’s total shares.
According to the company’s board of directors’ report published on the Tadawul website, investors from other Gulf countries owned 0.7% of the company’s shares, totaling 150 shareholders with 7.6 million shares. Meanwhile, the number of foreign investors reached 2,257 investors who owned 116.5 million shares, representing 10.8% of the company’s shares. Foreigners and Gulf nationals therefore own approximately 11.5% of the company’s shares. Meanwhile, the number of companies investing in Dar Al Arkan reached 524 institutions, with ownership of 931.8 million shares, representing 86% of the company’s capital. The number of individuals reached 73,200, with ownership of 14% of the company’s shares, amounting to 148.2 million shares.
It is noteworthy that Dar Al Arkan’s profits jumped to SAR 806.8 million in 2024, a 32.1% increase over the previous year’s profits of SAR 610.76 million.
According to the company, the increase in net profit is primarily due to higher real estate sales. The company explained that the increase in operating costs, in addition to higher financing costs and lower returns from investments in associate companies, was offset by higher rental income and higher non-operating income from Islamic Murabaha, which had an impact on net profit.