Publisher: Maaal International Media Company
License: 465734
Tam Development Company announced on Thursday the decision of the Board of Directors to appoint Mr. Omar Abdul Rahman Al-Jeraisy as Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Ali Muhammad Saadi Shenemer as his deputy, and to appoint Mr. Abdullah Anwar Muhammad Youssef as Managing Director and CEO.
A Secretary of the Board of Directors was also appointed, in addition to forming the Audit Committee and the Nominations and Remunerations Committee as follows:
Audit Committee:
– Mr. Ahmed Abdul Rahman Muhammad Jaber, Chairman of the Committee – (Member from outside the Board)
– Mr. Samer Saeed Jundi, Member of the Committee – (Non-Executive from within the Board)
– Mr. Moaz Khaled Ibrahim Al-Hajri, Member of the Committee – (Member from outside the Board)
Remuneration and Nominations Committee:
– Dr. Abdullah Nadeem Muhammad Elias, Chairman of the Committee – (Member from within the Board)
– Eng. Ali Muhammad Saadi Shenemer, Member of the Committee – (From within the Board)
– Ms. Yara Muhammad Taha Anbatawi, Member of the Committee – (From outside the Board)
The Board of Directors also decided in its meeting held on Oct. 30, to appoint the company’s representatives to the Capital Market Authority and the Capital Market Company Tadawul, and their names are as follows:
– Abdullah Anwar Muhammad Yousef. (Managing Director and CEO).
– Iman Fawaz Hamza Al-Sayrafi. (Chief Human Resources Officer)
This is in reference to the announcement of Tam Development Company on 10/21/2024 regarding the results of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting held on 10/20/2024, which included the election of Board of Directors members from among the candidates for the next session, which begins on 10/30/2024 and lasts for four years, ending on 10/29/2024.