Monday, 8 July 2024

Pound, euro rise, while dollar decline


اقرأ المزيد

Today, the pound sterling and the euro maintained the gains they achieved against the dollar in the previous session due to weak American economic data, which led to a decline in the value of the currency with the start of elections in Britain and the approach of the French elections at the weekend.

The pound sterling rose in the latest trading by 0.13% to $1.2760 after it rose 0.46% yesterday, Wednesday, and touched the highest level in three weeks, while the euro increased 0.1% to $1.080 after gaining 0.4% in the previous session, which is also the highest level in three weeks.

Sterling is now at its highest level against the dollar since the beginning of the year, making it the best performing among the ten major currencies in 2024.

