Wednesday, 26 June 2024

A trader makes $3 million profits in 12 minutes


An unknown investor stunned the financial world by obtaining huge profits of about $3 million in just 12 minutes, through a bold move by investing $1.98 million.

According to Al Arabiya, the trader spent 9,894 of the Solana cryptocurrency, to buy 69.74 million of “Slurf” immediately after opening trading, and then sold his “Silrv” currency for 25,001 Solana, equivalent to 5 million dollars, within 12 minutes.

These trades achieved a gain of 15,107 Solana coins, worth $3.02 million, in just 12 minutes.

اقرأ المزيد

The investor was able to brilliantly exploit the volatility of SLERF, securing an unprecedented return on investment in record time.

Cryptocurrency analyzes indicate expectations that “Slirv” will achieve significant price growth to $7.80 by the end of 2024.

