Saturday, 29 March 2025

Horizon Food re-attaches documents related to items of Extraordinary General Assembly

HORIZON FOOD announced on Sunday to its shareholders, who were invited to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting (the first meeting) via modern technological means, the company would like to attach some documents related to the terms of the Extraordinary General Assembly so that shareholders can view them

Re-attaching documents related to the Extraordinary General Assembly items:

The Company explained today on Tadawul that the changes taking place in the association’s terms are as follows:

اقرأ المزيد

The first item: The audit committee regulation

The second item: The Remuneration and Nominations Committee regulation

Item Three: Remuneration policy for members of the Board of Directors, its committees and executive management

The fifth item: The CV of the Board of Directors member, Mr. Khaled Al-Aboudi

