Saturday, 27 July 2024

Riyadh will organize Expo 2030…what global media ‎say?‎


Global media highlighted the overwhelming victory achieved by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s bid, submitted to organize the Expo 2030 edition in the capital, Riyadh, as the newspaper “Politico Europe”, which specializes in European Union news, referred to the joy that spread through the Saudi delegation and its supporters the moment Riyadh’s victory was announced. .

Diplomatic activity:

The newspaper pointed out that Saudi Arabia obtained more than two-thirds of the total votes, which means that under the rules of the International Bureau of Exhibitions, there is no need to organize a second round of voting.

اقرأ المزيد

This is the first time in 20 years that a candidate wins in the first round of voting. According to the representatives of the International Bureau of Exhibitions, who refused to reveal their identity when they spoke to the newspaper “Politico Europe,” Riyadh’s victory came after an intense campaign to persuade the delegates of the International Bureau of Exhibitions through diplomatic activity and lavish events.

Pointing out that Saudi Arabia has been particularly proactive in communicating with other countries to propose investment opportunities. The newspaper pointed out that the World Expo is a great opportunity for exhibition, in addition to making money, creating job opportunities, and international spotlight. Noting that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman seeks to push his country in a more socially advanced direction, and to promote advanced sectors such as green technology and health care.

Timing symbolism:

For its part, the American magazine Barron’s said in its comment on the event, “In its latest success… Saudi Arabia wins the World Expo 2030,” noting that hosting the exhibition is of great importance to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, whose bid was led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. As it seeks to secure the most important events in the world to showcase the Kingdom’s potential throughout the world, considering that the timing of 2030 is also largely symbolic because it coincides with a major milestone in the Vision 2030 program for the transformation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia economically and culturally as well, noting that it is scheduled to The Kingdom will host the 2034 FIFA World Cup after becoming the event’s sole bidder, and is already welcoming a range of motor racing, golf and other sports.

Extensive campaign:

Saudi Arabia launched a major marketing campaign, which included the “Riyadh 2030” exhibition near the Eiffel Tower and large-scale advertising throughout Paris. The Saudi offer, which seeks to diversify the Kingdom’s economy and enhance its international standing, received official support from France.

For its part, the New York Times newspaper said in its coverage of the event, in a report entitled “In a victory for the Crown Prince… Saudi Arabia hosts the World Expo 2030,” considering winning to host the World Expo a victory for the Crown Prince, within the framework of presenting him as an irreplaceable global leader and the Kingdom as a major destination. For business and tourism, noting that this victory gives Saudi Arabia an opportunity to enjoy the global spotlight in the year in which the Crown Prince’s plan to diversify the Kingdom’s economy away from oil, “Vision 2030,” is scheduled to end.

One round:

The French newspaper Le Monde went in the same direction, noting that Saudi Arabia easily defeated its competitors from Italy and South Korea, through only one round of voting and obtaining the necessary two-thirds majority from the member states in the General Assembly of the Office Regulating International Exhibitions. ‎

Diplomatic victory:

While Reuters considered that Riyadh’s victory of the right to host the Expo 2030 World Expo is another diplomatic victory for a Gulf country after the FIFA World Cup organized by Qatar last year. She said that the victory represents the culmination of the ambitious Vision 2030 program launched by the Crown Prince, which aims to move the country away from its dependence on oil.

New addition:

Bloomberg News Agency commented with the title, “Saudi Arabia Adds Expo 2030 to the Growing List of Global Events,” noting that Saudi Arabia received another global event on Tuesday by choosing to host the World Expo 2030, as the oil-rich kingdom looks to boost tourism. ‎

The international exhibition, which is held every five years, will be held in Riyadh from October 2030 to March 2031. This will be the second time the event will be held in the Middle East after Dubai hosted Expo 2020, which was delayed due to the pandemic.

