Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Sure: Ministry of Hajj cancels award of IT services operation project


اقرأ المزيد

Sure Global Tech Co. announced on Wednesday that the Ministry of Hajj had notified the company that the project award to our company had been cancelled on Tuesday, 10-10-2023. This decision was made by the Committee responsible for reviewing grievances from competitors’ contractors and requests to amend prices to correct the procedures associated with the award process. It is important to note that the cancellation was not due to any fault on our part but rather arose from an error in the evaluation process used by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah.

The company confirmed that it is committed to keeping its shareholders informed about its relentless pursuit of excellence in project selection and investment opportunities. We are dedicated to diversifying our product portfolio and pioneering new innovations, all with the aim of broadening our sources of income.

