Saturday, 27 July 2024

Burgerizzr GA Oks dividing share nominal value from 10 riyals ‎to one riyal


اقرأ المزيد

The sandwich house fast food restaurants company “Burgerizzer” announced the results of the extraordinary general assembly meeting (the first meeting), which was held on Wednesday, where the items included approval of dividing the nominal value of the share from 10 riyals to one riyal.

The company said in a statement today on “Tadawul” that the number of shares before the amendment was 3.5 million shares, while the number of shares after the amendment remained 35 million shares, indicating that there was no change in the capital before and after the process of dividing the shares.

It was also approved to authorize the Board of Directors to distribute interim profits semi- or quarterly for the year 2023.

