Publisher: Maaal International Media Company
License: 465734
Michelle Schroeder-Gardner left her job in 2013 to work on her blog, Making Sense of Cents, full time.
Schroeder says she started her blog, Making Sense of Cents, in 2011 to track her journey to becoming debt-free — and she did it quickly.
Noting that within a few years, she was earning enough to quit her nine-to-five job to focus on her work, and she paid off $40,000 in debt.
Today, Schroeder says, she lives on a sailboat with her husband and daughter. She works only two hours a day and spends the rest of her time traveling around the world.
She points out that when she started blogging, she devoted her time to blogging. But over the years, she has worked to make her work as negative as possible. Last year, I made about $40,000 a month in passive income.
Passive income is defined as the cash income flowing on a regular basis resulting from investing in a specific project without the need for the physical participation or the actual presence of the investor who obtains the income.
Schroeder presented, according to CNBC, to start your own business and reduce working hours, including:
Task grouping, says it groups similar tasks together and completes them all at once. Considering that this helps her avoid multitasking which can distract her.
Second, get comfortable with delegation. Instead of trying to learn how to do everything myself, I hire freelance experts for things I’m not an expert at, like graphic design and video editing for my online courses.