Raoom Trading Company announced on Sunday the decision of the Board of Directors issued on 18.06.2022, which includes the appointment of the Chairman and his deputy and the formation of committees, as follows:
- Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Humaid (Non-Executive) as Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Arifi (Non-Executive), Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Badr bin Hamad Al-kadi (independent member)
- Appointment of Mr. Humaid bin Abdullah Al Humaid (Executive Member) in the position of Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
- Formation of the Nominations and Remunerations Committee, Mr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Arefi (Non-Executive Vice Chairman of the Board), Mr. Badr bin Hamad Al-kadi (independent member), and Mr. Shaker bin Abdullah Al-Hamid (a member from outside the Board).
- The Secretary of the Board of Directors and company representatives were appointed for all purposes related to the application of laws and regulations at the Capital Market Authority, the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) and the Securities Depository Center Company (Edaa).
- It was approved earlier to appoint the members of the Audit Committee, in accordance with the results of the extraordinary general assembly, which was held on 14-06-2022, on the appointment of Mr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-Arefi (Non-Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors) Mr. Badr bin Hamad Al-kadi) Independent Member) and Mr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al-Shubaily (Member from outside the Council)
This comes with reference to the meeting of the extraordinary general assembly of Raoom Trading Company held on Tuesday, 14.06.2021, during which a new board of directors for Raoom Trading Company was elected for the session that started its business as of 17.06.2021 For a period of three years ending on 16.06.2025.