Friday, 28 June 2024

Targeting investment opportunities for nurseries, jointly held by its Chamber, agriculture ministry's branch

Green Saudi Arabia Initiative related Workshop Held, in Riyadh


A workshop related to the Green Saudi Arabia’s Initiative was jointly held, for the Riyadh Region, by the Riyadh Chamber, in collaboration with the branch of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, in the region.

The participants examined the role of nurseries in supporting the Green Saudi Initiative, by providing the required quality of trees, in addition to their contribution to the development of vegetation cover and combating desertification, as well as supporting afforestation projects, in the region, and providing job opportunities for citizens.

During the workshop, the ministry announced the launch of investment projects in the nurseries sector, across the region.

اقرأ المزيد

The ministry expects that these nurseries will contribute to providing a large number of trees to support the Green Saudi Initiative and provide the productive trees appropriate to the nature of the Kingdom.

Such step will be followed by another similar in other regions of the Kingdom, where agricultural and animal investment opportunities will be presented.

stressed the importance of investing in the agricultural sector in achieving the goals of (Vision 2030) and supporting the Green Saudi Initiative and contributing to the multiplication of vegetation cover and combating desertification.

A review was presented of the spaces for these opportunities, in the governorates of the region, and the conditions for investment in them, where the significance of their role in developing vegetation cover and supporting the work of afforestation projects, in the region, and preserving the environment and natural capabilities and their impact on the development of the economy and providing job opportunities for citizens.

As well as its role in producing quality seedlings for highly horticultural crops to achieve food security

