Publisher: Maaal International Media Company
License: 465734
The right of economic values to be valued is something that cannot be disputed by a sane person, and only an ignorant person can practice it, because they are lamps that lead the nation in its darkest historical periods, they are platforms that guide peoples to what works for their conditions, and they are beacons that guide homelands to the bright ways that achieve their elevation and prosperity.
“Today’s generation” needs to document the achievements of national values, especially the economic ones related to the kingdom’s Vision 2030.they understand the mirror that highlights the achievements of the vision of this homeland and its successes, and they are the icon that stores Saudi national excellence and the unique blend between the present and the future. future generations should not lose sight of such great national models and role models.
Just as a tall building does not rise without pillars, homelands do not rise without economic foundations, foundations with capacity and ability, and the kingdom’s vision was built on its sleeves, and the ambitions of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman were realized with it, and its achievements were allowed by its innovations.
Great national values… Forbes Middle East magazine has revealed its fourth annual list of the top 100 CEOs in the Middle East, for the year 2024, in recognition of CEOs who accelerate the achievements and successes of the companies they lead, with Amin Nasser, president and CEO of Saudi Aramco, topping the Forbes ranking.
Amin Nasser, Forbes magazine’s list of the Middle East for the world the president and CEO of Saudi Aramco topped the rating, evaluating CEOs using various metrics, including the achievements of the individual and the innovations he implemented, the size of his company, the impact on his company and the wider industry, only CEOs of companies headquartered in the MENA region were considered.
Due to his long career at Aramco, Mr.Nasser was appointed secretary of the company in 1982, and then he was promoted to positions until he was appointed to the position of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Aramco since 2015.he is also currently a member of the board of Directors of BlackRock limited and a member of the board of Directors of Aramco, in accordance with the provisions of the company’s bylaws, which require that the company’s president and chief executive officer be a member of the company’s Board of directors.
He also received an M.Amin Al Nasser has received many international awards during his career, as he was selected by a committee of senior energy executives in the world as the Executive person of the year in the field of energy for 2020, and also topped the ICIS list of the 40 Most Powerful Executives in the field of chemicals globally.he also received the Society of Petroleum Engineers Award for lifetime achievement and the “Charles F. Rand” gold and cavalier Award presented by the chemists club under the auspices of the independent commodity intelligence services (ICIS), in December 2020, and topped the Forbes list of the most powerful CEOs in the Middle East for the year 2022, 2023.