Publisher: Maaal International Media Company
License: 465734
Today, a vibrant tapestry unfolds across the Kingdom. Green and white flags dance, children’s laughter
mixes with the clanging of traditional music, and a collective sense of pride fills the air. We celebrate
Saudi Founding Day, not just a calendar entry, but a potent reminder of the journey that shaped our
In 1727, in the sunbaked sands of Diriyah, Imam Mohammed ibn Saud laid the first brick of a dream: a
state built on unity, justice, and unwavering faith. This wasn’t merely the founding of a dynasty, but the
genesis of an identity that continues to evolve and inspire.
Throughout our history, chapters unfolded – triumphs etched in valor, challenges overcome with
resilience. The First Saudi State, the second, and finally, the unified Kingdom under King Abdulaziz, each
adding a unique thread to the national tapestry.
Saudi Founding Day isn’t just about looking back; it’s about celebrating the threads that bind us together.
It’s the Bedouin spirit of hospitality woven into the urban landscape. It’s the scholar’s pursuit of knowledge
harmonizing with the merchant’s entrepreneurial spirit. It’s the unwavering faith that guides our steps,
from the echoing calls to prayer to the annual pilgrimage.
But the tapestry remains incomplete without acknowledging the vibrant threads woven by our youth. Their
dreams, ambitions, and unwavering optimism fuel the nation’s forward momentum. They are the artists,
innovators, and scientists who will chart the course for the next chapter.
However, a tapestry is not immune to imperfections. Challenges and complexities lie ahead. Yet,
Foundation Day reminds us that we face them not as individuals, but as a united force. It’s the echo of
Imam ibn Saud’s vision that reminds us of our shared values – justice, integrity, and unwavering pursuit of
This day is not simply a celebration of the past; it’s a call to action. It’s a time to ask ourselves: How can
we contribute to the strength and prosperity of our nation? How can we weave our own threads into the
tapestry, ensuring its colors remain vibrant for generations to come?
Perhaps it’s through dedication to our studies, innovation in our fields, or simply extending a helping hand
to our neighbors. Every action, every choice, adds a stitch to the national tapestry.
So, as we celebrate Saudi Founding Day, let us remember that we are not merely observers of history,
but its active participants. Let us draw strength from the threads of our past, weave in our own
aspirations, and together, create a future as rich and vibrant as the tapestry itself.