Sahara International Petrochemical Company (Sipchem) announced on Sunday, the opening of nominations for membership of its Board of Directors for the term starting from December 10, 2022, and ending on December 9, 2025 (3 years).
The candidates will be elected at the General Assembly meeting, which will be announced later after obtaining the necessary approvals from the competent authorities. This is in accordance with the rules and procedures stipulated in the Companies Law, CMA Corporate Governance Regulations issued by the Capital Market Authority and the policies, standards and procedures of membership of the Board of Directors of Sipchem approved by the Ordinary General Assembly.
It added that the Assembly start date is10.12. 2022. The Assembly end date is 09.12.2025. The number of members is 11, whereas the application start date is15.08.2025and the application end date is 15.09.2022.
First: Nomination Conditions:
Considering Sipchem policies, standards and procedures of membership in the Board of Directors approved by the Ordinary General Assembly resolution on 19/12/2017
- Leadership: Who has the leadership skills to qualify him to give the powers to lead to stimulate performance and the application of best practices in the field of effective management and adherence to values and professional ethics.
- Efficiency: That the availability of scientific qualifications, professional and personal skills and appropriate level of training and practical experience related to the company’s current and future activities and management, economy and accounting.
- Guidance: That the availability of technical capabilities, leadership, management and speed in decision – making, and to absorb the technical requirements related to the workflow and be able to strategic guidance and planning and vision for the future.
- Financial knowledge: – To be able to read and understand financial statements and reports.
- Health fitness: – That not to have a health barrier impede him from the exercise of his functions and competencies.
- He should not have been convicted of a crime involving dishonesty or distrust or has been convicted of conducting an offense in financial markets or business.
- When a candidate is a member of the Board of Directors, his membership in the Boards of Joint Stock Companies listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange shall not exceed four companies.
- The candidate for membership of the Board shall abide by the principles of honesty, honesty, loyalty, care and attention to the interests of the company and shareholders and present them in his personal interest.
Second: Nomination requirements:
- Biography, qualifications and previous and current scientific experience.
- Fill the CV form of the candidate for the membership of the Board of Directors of a listed joint stock company No. (3) of the Capital Market Authority.
- Candidate must clarify the status of membership (executive member, non-executive member or independent member).
- The candidate must clarify the nature of the membership, i.e., whether he is a candidate in his personal capacity or a representative of a legal person:
- The candidate should disclose any conflict of interest that includes
- The existence of a direct or indirect interest in the works and contracts made for the Company’s account.
- Participating in work that would compete with the company or compete in one of the branches of the activity.
- Clear copy of the National Identity card, family register for individuals, commercial register of companies and institutions, and contact details of the candidate.
- The candidate who has previously served as a member of the board of directors of a joint stock company shall indicate the number and date of the boards of directors of the companies for which he is a member.
- A statement of the shareholding companies that he still holds membership.