Publisher: Maaal International Media Company
License: 465734
Dr. Badr Salem Al-Badran
In scientific studies, whether published scientific papers, master’s thesis, or doctoral theses, researchers are keen to have standards or measures by which their research objectives are measured, including international experiments or experiments or measurements regarding the objectives of their studies.
Studies on public education focus heavily on Finnish expertise in this field, while studies on higher education focus on the experiences of higher education institutions in the United States of America, and in terms of technical and vocational training, the focus of expertise is on technical training institutions in the United States of America and technical training institutions in Germany. . Experience is numerous in this area and therefore refers mostly to first-tier countries in global rankings such as shanghai, Thames rating or global competitiveness index rating.
The question now comes: Is it now necessary to place Saudi Arabia in studies on the basis that it represents one of the global experiences referred to in scientific studies or global research worldwide?
First, in eliminating terrorism and fighting terrorism, the Kingdom is one of the first countries in the world to suffer and in the mechanism of overcoming and addressing this suffering globally, making all the counter-terrorism institutions in the world make the Kingdom an example in this regard, and most countries of the world, primarily the United States of America, sent its delegates and stakeholders to the Kingdom to benefit from its experiences and experiences on this subject.
Second: in dealing with the Corona crisis in terms of health, social, economic and educational; the experience and experience of the Kingdom was first in maintaining the statistics of the spread of the virus, and first in educating the community regarding domestic quarantine and all related consequences, and is considered one of the few countries in the world that tried as much as possible not to be affected economically or educationally with regard to citizens and residents, and to treat everyone at the same level and importance.
Third: with regard to spending efficiency, in light of the successive economic crises in recent years worldwide from fluctuating oil prices, and in the context of crises regarding the coruna crisis, the Kingdom, thanks to God Almighty, and then planning efforts and policies with regard to spending efficiency, its budget for 2022 came out with surplus, not deficit.
According to the author, every scientific study worldwide dealing with the aspect of terrorism, the crisis management aspect, or the efficiency of spending, regardless of whether the study is a scientific paper, master’s thesis or a doctoral thesis, should make Saudi Arabia at the forefront of countries with experiences and experiences that manage crises in light of their approach and policy.
Dr. Badr Salem Al-Badrani
Education planning and economics