Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Focusing on mainstreaming climateint, environment, into officila devts assistance

KSA, UK Host Roundtable Discussion on Climate, Development


Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Finance and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) organized a roundtable discussion on ‘Mainstreaming Climate and Environment into Official Development Assistance (ODA).

The discussion explored how overseas aid can take into account environmental protection to deliver positive outcomes for people, the economy and the environment.

Attendees shared knowledge and expertise on environmental protection and how investments in environment and clean energy can improve the livelihoods of some of the world’s poorest people.

اقرأ المزيد

“Consideration of climate and environment is critical to achieving the global Sustainable Developments Goals, the British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Neil Crompton said.

The Saudi-UK Climate and Development Roundtable is a significant first-of-its-kind initiative.

As two of the largest providers of overseas aid, it is vital that the UK and Saudi Arabia take into account environmental aspects in their overseas aid.

Saudi partnership and leadership to tackle climate change is critical.
With COP26 only days away, we welcome this discussion as a timely opportunity to accelerate collaboration in this area,” the ambassador added.

“This is a great initiative to bring us together today to discuss climate change at a very timely roundtable, and coinciding with launching the Saudi Climate Change Strategy during the Saudi Green Initiative Forum,” Assistant Minister of Finance for Macro-Fiscal Policies and International Relations Abdulaziz AlRasheed pointed out.

The discussion came ahead of the UK’s Presidency of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow and coincides with the launch of the Saudi Green Initiative, which aims to improve quality of life and protect future generations by increasing our use of clean energy and reducing emissions.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) show the inseparability of economic and human development, environmental systems and climate change. Considering the risks and opportunities across these interdependent systems will be critical in achieving our goal of eradicating poverty.

