Publisher: Maaal International Media Company
License: 465734
Having worked in the Human Resources field for many years, it has become clear to me that building a strong network and fostering relationships is crucial for securing a prestigious position. Business owners prefer to rely on their network when it comes to hiring, as they are cautious about taking risks with unknown individuals. Similarly, individuals who strive for leadership positions understand the importance of leveraging their connections. According to the information provided on the TeamStage website, a significant majority of jobs were filled through networking, accounting for 85% of the total. The website also noted that, rather than being published online, the majority of job openings are shared through a reliable network. It could be inferred that hiring managers prefer to hire individuals they can trust.
Networking can be a complex matter, especially for women, particularly in the case of Saudi women. During a workshop attended by 16 men and 7 women, I asked a question. It was interesting to note that only one woman mentioned that she proactively reached out to her classmates to network. Interestingly, she stood out as the sole woman who was not from Saudi Arabia. This highlights the unfortunate reality that numerous women who strive for empowerment often face barriers when it comes to securing suitable employment opportunities. It is evident that many individuals fail to recognize the advantages of networking.
In addition to improving skills, building a strong network is crucial for empowering women. Active participation in collective groups can lead to women achieving empowerment (Hofmann & Marius-Gnanou, 2005). People are naturally skilled at networking, effortlessly engaging in conversation, traveling, and navigating social events. Some women may hesitate before venturing beyond their comfort zone. Particularly in our society, women face numerous societal challenges and setbacks. To effectively address these challenges, individuals should actively engage in associations and foster both social and professional connections. Women who participate in associations experience a decrease in isolation and cultivate a wider network. An effective approach to women’s empowerment involves building and maintaining strong networks and relationships. According to some experts, women can enhance their career prospects by building connections with influential individuals who have similar interests (Marie & Masabo, 2015). Therefore, it is important for women seeking career advancements to build connections with influential individuals who can give them an edge over their competitors.
Attending social and professional events is a great way to achieve this. Such events provide a valuable opportunity for professionals to connect and expand their network. It allows individuals to establish new relationships and exchange knowledge and insights regarding various aspects of their business, including talent acquisition and headhunting. These events can offer valuable support and information, providing an opportunity to explore new horizons.
In 1970, Gershon (2017) discussed the idea that establishing connections with weak ties can be an effective method for job networking. However, when it comes to leadership positions, the situation becomes more complex. However, it is clear that establishing connections, whether they are strong or weak, is the most effective way to secure employment. In today’s digital age, it’s easy to overlook the importance of personal connections in advancing one’s career. However, networking and building relationships still hold significant value in the professional world. The competition for high-ranking vacancies is aggressive, particularly in societies where men dominate. As a result, men often find it easier to secure high-ranking positions compared to women. In order to overcome this challenge, women often adopt more assertive behaviors in order to secure the job. Unfortunately, these actions are sometimes met with negative labels, such as being called “violent” or “iron women”. So, everyone! What sets your resume apart from the rest is your exceptional ability to build connections and foster relationships.
It is important to attend various events in order to establish a wide network of connections. Ibarra & Hunter (2017) argue that it is important for women to encourage connections with influential individuals, as these relationships can potentially lead to their names being recommended to decision makers. Attending the same events as influential figures can be a valuable strategy for women looking to expand their network. Individuals with connections to social networks and access to privileged information can serve as valuable sources for recommendations.
Both ties play a crucial role in promoting women empowerment. Saudi executive women were relatively unknown, but they had connections through acquaintances. We are aware that technology can assist job seekers in locating suitable positions, but it alone cannot secure them those positions. This is because most prestigious job opportunities are not typically found online, but rather shared through personal connections. Therefore, establishing connections in your industry is a wise strategy to stay updated on new opportunities. On July 27, 2024, the Gulf Human Capital Society is organizing a gathering night in Riyadh for its members. It presents a wonderful chance for networking.
In spite of the numerous advantages of networking, there are certain disadvantages that organizations should be cautious about. These include the potential risks of hiring candidates who may be less qualified or creating job opportunities solely for relatives.